‘Liberal Skeptic’ Co-Authors New Book: ‘Climategate: The CRUtape Letters’ — Climategate scandal covered from beginning to end
Actor Danny Glover links Haitian earthquake to global warming?
Harvard Astrophysicist: ‘Carbon dioxide is not the major driver for the earth-climate system’
Ski resort forced to close — because of too much snow! – ‘Roads were blocked by 15ft snow drifts’
Florida’s cold was ‘longest stretch ever in 100 years of record keeping’
China plans power rationing amid harsh winter weather
UK Telegraph: ‘Dodgy NASA GISS temperature records exposed: the US Climategate?’
Meteorologist Joe D’Aleo’s Exclusive Report: ‘Claimed Warming Greatly Exaggerated — NOAA not UK’s CRU is Ground Zero’ of Climategate
Watch John Coleman’s Exclusive hourlong news special ‘Global Warming – The Other Side’
‘Smoking gun of U.S. Climategate’: Weather Channel founder Coleman’s TV special accuses NASA & NOAA of manipulating climate data