Ya Think? UN IPCC Scientist: ‘But I’m quite sure that if people read the 3,000 pages, there will be some more mistakes’
New Climategate Shocker: Even the CRU Thought the Climate Change Hockey Stick Was Flawed
Norweigan Paper: We’ve Been ‘climate-cheated’? ‘Carelessness, naivete and exaggerations from activists, scientists and IPCC’ has created media storm
Former NASA researcher challenges greenhouse CO2 theory
Victory for openness as IPCC climate scientist opens up lab doors
They Knew UN Was Conning Us in 2005! Hansen Colleague at NASA rejected UN IPCC Summary in 2005 as having ‘no scientific merit’ — ‘Sounds like something put together by Greenpeace activists’
‘Vagina Monologues’ Creator Tells Palin to Look at ‘Earthquakes and Tsunamis’ for Global Warming Proof
UK Guardian: Climategate was PR disaster that could bring healthy reform of peer review
‘Politicians need catastrophes because they have no other way of creating authority for themselves’
Senator DeMint: D.C. snow will continue ‘until Al Gore cries uncle’