Shock Media Claim: ‘The majority of the [of New York Times science] section’s editorial staff doubts that human-induced global warming represents a serious threat to humanity’
Gore’s Doctor(ate) Of Lies: ‘Instead of having his Nobel Prize rescinded for espousing climate fraud, the prophet of doom is set to receive an honorary doctorate’
Sad for Science: ‘Paul Ehrlich has won no less than 16 awards, including the 1980 Crafoord Prize, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ highest award’
Scientist: ‘Not only has it become clear that CO2 is not the primary driver of climate change but claim after claim, prediction after prediction made by the warmists has failed to come true’
Scientist Judith Curry: ‘We may have exaggerated the trend in the later half of the 20th century by not adequately interpreting these bumps from the ocean oscillations’