Failure of the Warmists: Gallup Poll: Americans worry least about global warming…ranks lowest of all ENVIRONMENTAl concerns! Dead last — 9th out of 9 environmental concerns
Are greens an obstacle to clean energy production? ‘From coast to coast, efforts to build everything from wind farms to solar plants has run afoul of local environmental groups’
Bombshell conclusion: New peer reviewed analysis: ‘Worldwide-temperature increase has not produced acceleration of global sea level over the past 100 years’
Climate Models Fail Stupendously At Predicting Ocean Warming, New Data Shows
Greens Wonder If Melting Arctic Ice At -42C Triggered A 5km Deep New Zealand Earthquake 7,000 Miles Away
Aussie Climate Commission ‘shirks debate’: ‘The public wants to hear straight answers about global warming science, rather than being on receiving end in a game of climate frisbee-science’
Kudos to Tim Ball for great line! Ball ‘defamed’ Climategate’s Michael Mann when he said Mann ‘should be in the State Pen, not Penn State’