Enjoy the last 89! Climate clock is ticking: ‘Humanity or at least civilization, will be terminated in about 89 years, the end of this century’
Tornadoes haven’t spiked — the population has: ‘There are more of us living where we didn’t used to live, and the tornado doesn’t care that we have just built new homes’
Be Afraid! Obama’s EPA Chief: Climate regs ‘nothing to fear’
‘When Refrigerators Warm the Planet’: ‘EPA & Energy Department are slowly tightening the rules on appliances, requiring them to do the same work with less and less energy’
New paper shows how natural ocean oscillations control climate: ‘Climate of the N. Hemisphere can be explained by a combination of natural ocean cycles — without incorporating greenhouse gases’
Hurricane Milestone: ‘Barring a freak storm, on June 10 it will have been 1,000 days since any hurricane struck the US. The longest period since before the Civil War’