Sea Levels Higher During Medieval Warming Period – Research Shows Current Sea Level Rise Began By 1750 AD
What makes a scientific expert? Congressional Democrats offer a shocking answer — To qualify as ‘expert’ you must have received Federal funding for research!
[Note: This article has been retracted by the authors.] German Warmist Rahmstorf Compares Skeptics’ Science To ‘Aryan Physics Of The Third Reich’
Meet your car, the Weather Machine! $2.4 million message in Calif.: Drive slower to spare the earth from global warming
Question for warmist Bill McKibben: ‘If warm weather really causes tornadoes, why isn’t the current U.S. heatwave accompanied by lots of tornadoes?’
‘I arrest you in name of the Earth’: ‘Hundreds of ‘carbon cops’ will police compliance with Aussie carbon tax; Power to inspect premises, take to court & impose penalties’