Shock: Green Guru Lovelock warms to skeptics! ‘The skeptics have kept us sane…They have kept us from regarding climate science as a religion. It had gone too far that way’


[Climate Depot Editor’s Note: This is a game changer. James Lovelock — formerly the world’s number one leading global warming fear promoter — is now praising climate skeptics! What a difference 3 years makes. Climate Depot is proud to serve up skepticism daily to aid in the psychological healing of former believers in man-made climate fears. See Flashback 2007: Lovelock Predicts Global Warming Doom: ‘Billions of us will die; few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in Arctic’]

Shock: Green Guru Lovelock warms to skeptics! ‘The skeptics have kept us sane…They have kept us from regarding the climate science as a religion. It had gone too far that way’ UK Times – March 14, 2010

Lovelock: ‘Effect of man-made carbon is unpredictable. Temperatures might go down at first, rather than up’

Lovelock: ‘I think you have to accept that the skeptics have kept us sane – some of them, anyway. They have been a breath of fresh air’

‘Lovelock places great emphasis on proof…He is concerned that projections are relying on computer models…because models of that kind have let us down before’

SHOCK: UK Green Guru James Lovelock Reconsiders Warming Views?!: Lovelock: Man-made Carbon Emissions ‘Have Saved Us from A New Ice Age’ – UK Daily Express – March 11, 2020

Lovelock in 2010: ‘I hate all this business about feeling guilty about what we’re doing. We’re not guilty’

Lovelock in 2010: ‘Observations done by hand are accurate but all the theoretical stuff in between tends to be very dodgy and I think they are seeing this with climate change’

Flashback 2009: Environmental guru Lovelock slams carbon trading: ‘Most of the green stuff is verging on gigantic scam’



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