Less than 7% of EPA staff deemed ‘essential’

Do we ‘need’ EPA? Less than 7% of EPA staff deemed ‘essential’ http://junkscience.com/2013/10/02/do-we-need-epa-less-than-7-of-epa-staff-deemed-essential/ Reuters reports: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will take one of the biggest hits of any federal agency if the government shuts down this week, operating with under 7 percent of its employees, according to guidance issued by the agency. Among those […]

Early Winter: Alaska – Shortest Summer On Record — Winter Storm for the West – Earliest ever opening of Ski Resort

Via Ice Age Now website Fairbanks, Alaska – Shortest Summer On Record Winter Storm for Montana, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Utah, Western Nebraska —  The calendar may say October 2, but a winter storm is poised to bring heavy snow to the northern Rockies  tonight at higher elevations, including the Tetons, Bighorns, and Beartooth Ranges of Wyoming and far […]

Swiss News Weekly Delivers Massive Blow To UN IPCC: ‘Fortune Tellers, Not Scientists’ … ‘Skeptics On The Rise’: ‘The consensus among the climate scientists that had been cemented over the last decades, is cracking – or is even crumbling completely’

Swiss news magazine Weltwoche (World Week) print edition just published a stinging article about the now disgraced IPCC’s fifth assessment report Summary for Policymakers where it describes the refusal by scientists to acknowledge observations and their obstinate clinging to faulty models and doomsday scenarios. – See more at: http://notrickszone.com/2013/10/01/swiss-news-weekly-delivers-massive-blow-to-ipcc-fortune-tellers-not-scientists-skeptics-on-the-rise/#sthash.RlDCALfc.dpuf

Have we advanced? Archeologists explaining how Pagan Romans tried to influence the weather — ‘In a ‘brutal, pagan world’, people were in permanent terror of bad weather, perpetually trying to control it through religion’

Archeologists explaining how Pagan Romans tried to influence the weather http://tomnelson.blogspot.com/2013/10/archeologists-explaining-how-pagan.html Start at the 42-minute mark at the video here.In a “brutal, pagan world”, people were in permanent terror of bad weather, perpetually trying to control it through religion.  [Via Brian French] Sent by gReader Pro