Climate Statistics Prof. Dr. Caleb Rossiter Calls AGW ‘the faltering hypothesis’ – Unpublished (surprise) letter to NY Times on the direction of causality between temperature and carbon dioxide
March 18, 2013: Unpublished (surprise) letter to the New York Times on the direction of causality between temperature and carbon dioxide. To the Editor, New York Times: The Times’ campaign to prop up the faltering hypothesis that industrial gasses have led to catastrophic climate change reached a nadir with a news article (February 28: Study […]
Climate Statistics Prof. Dr. Caleb Rossiter: Unpublished (surprise) letter to the Nation magazine on why ‘350’ is an impossible and undesirable goal
March 1, 2013: Unpublished (surprise) letter to the Nation magazine on why”350″ is an impossible and undesirable goal. The Nation’s call for a “national pollution cap of no more than 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere” (20 Progressive Executive Actions, February 11) is impossible to realize. Carbon dioxide circulates globally, so its […]
Climate Statistics Prof. Dr. Caleb Rossiter rails against fellow leftists for comparing skeptics to ‘Holocaust deniers’ – ‘Please, call me a skeptic. And lay off World War II’
http://www.calebrossiter.com/Love%20electricity.html November 20, 2012: Good Germans, Munich, Brownshirts, Deniers, Churchill: Enough with the World War II Analogies! Here is what my friend and anti-imperial compatriot John Tirman, executive director of the M.I.T. Center for International Studies, “tweets” about me and others who are not convinced that industrial emissions are the primary cause of the one […]
Climate Statistics Prof. & Anti-War Activist Dr. Caleb Rossiter Slams The Left & Asks: ‘Why are the leftists happily hopping into bed with Al Gore, a Dixie whom they have fought on foreign and military policy from the MX missile to aid to the Salvadoran army to landmines?’ – Declares: ‘Leftists are expending resources on what is certainly a non-solution to what is most likely a non-problem.’
Climate Catastrophe: Convenient Fibs and Dangerous Prescriptions by Caleb S. Rossiter, March 2010 Statistical tests and mathematical models are important tools of social and physical science. They are at the core of the constant barrage of claims about causality that analysts and advocates make with charts, numbers, and correlations between variables. Which economic policies have […]
Climate Statistics Prof. Dr. Caleb Rossiter: ‘My blood simply boils too hot when I read the blather, daily, about climate catastrophe. It is so well-meaning, and so misguided’ – ‘Obama has long been delusional on this issue’
May 13, 2013: My Last Piece on “Climate Change”: The Debate is finally over on “Global Warming — Because Nobody will Debate.” (My LAST Piece on “Climate Change,” I Promise) The Debate is finally over on “Global Warming” – Because Nobody will Debate I am deserting from the Climate War. I will never write another climate […]