‘Hottest year’? ‘Do you believe that a hundredth of a degree makes a difference?’
Robert Redford Says GOP Is ‘Living in the 1950s’ on Climate Change
http://variety.com/2015/film/news/poppolitics-robert-redford-says-gop-is-living-in-the-1950s-on-climate-change-listen-1201407972/ HOMEFILMNEWS PopPolitics: Robert Redford Says GOP Is ‘Living in the 1950s’ on Climate Change (Listen) EMAIL PRINT 3 TALK Robert Redford Sundance DistrubutionJEMAL COUNTESS/GETTY IMAGES JANUARY 17, 2015 | 01:44PM PT Ted Johnson Senior Editor @tedstew Robert Redford, a guest on the latest edition of Variety‘s PopPolitics on SiriusXM, says that the Republican drive […]
Climate Depot’s Morano warns about Common Core-inspired science curriculum
Education Week features Climate Depot: W.Va, Wyo. Debate Climate-Change Mentions in Science Standards
Scientists eviscerate feds’ ‘hottest year’ claim
NYT’s Alarmist Enviro Reporter Gillis Eagerly ‘Undermines’ Global Warming Skeptics – Or Does He?
WMO in 2006 Demolishes NOAA/NASA Claims Of ‘Hottest Year’ – Global average temperature in 2006 is ‘statistically indistinguishable’
WMO Demolish NOAA/NASA Claims Of Hottest Year https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/wmo-demolish-noaanasa-claims-of-hottest-year/ By Paul Homewood http://www.wmo.int/pages/publications/bulletin_en/archive/56_3_en/56_3_gcs_en.html If anybody is still in any doubt that it is UNSCIENTIFIC to make claims about hottest years, without taking into account error bars, I would advise what the WMO had to say on the issue in their report on global temperatures for 2006: […]
UK Met Office Say Surface Temperatures Should Agree With Satellites — ‘Except when they’re not!!’
Met Office Say Surface Temperatures Should Agree With Satellites https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/met-office-say-surface-temperatures-should-agree-with-satellites/ By Paul Homewood http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate-guide/science/temp-records In 2013, the Met Office had this to say about global temperature datasets: “Changes in temperature observed in surface data records are corroborated by records of temperatures in the troposphere recorded by satellites” Well, except when they’re not!! https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/01/17/why-satellite-records-cannot-be-ignored/ — gReader […]
‘Earth is heading into its third year of above average sea ice cover, as government scientists, politicians and the press continue to insist that the poles are melting’
Analysis: NASA’s ‘hottest year’ claim ‘ignores the fact that its error bar is 500% larger than claimed record — & ignores that satellite data’