Since 2008, 0.24°C Of ‘Extra’ Warming Has Been Added To NASA’s 1910-2000 Global Temperatures

Since 2008, 0.24°C Of ‘Extra’ Warming Has Been Added To NASA’s 1910-2000 Global Temperatures

NASA’s Massive Adjustments: 1910-2000 Now 53% Warmer Image Source: In the last 10 years, overseers of the NASA GISS global temperature data set have been busy utilizing cool-the-past-and-warm-the-present adjustment techniques to alter the slope of the overall warming trend. For example, as the climate4you graph illustrates above, there was a +0.45°C difference between the 1910 temperature anomaly and the 2000 temperature anomaly in May, 2008. Today (March, 2018), NASA GISS has tendentiously adjusted up the difference between 1910 and 2000 to +0.69°C, a 53% increase. The +0.5°C Warming Between 1880-1950 Has Been Erased Changes to past data consistently serve to cool down the past and warm up the present. As recently as 1987, for example, NASA GISS reported a warming trend of +0.5°C between 1880 and 1950. Pirazzoli, 1990 Schneider, S. H. 1989 Science 243: 771-81. Today, the NASA GISS overseers have removed +0.5°C from 1880 to 1950 trend and replaced it with a 70-year pause. The 2018 NASA GISS graph depicts no change, a 0.0°C non-trend, between 1880 and 1950. Image Source: NASA GISS If NASA GISS temperature adjustments can maintain pace with the changes made in the last 10 years, perhaps a decade from now the temperature divergence between 1910 and 2000 will reach a monumental +1.0°C. Or perhaps NASA GISS will discover there was a cooling trend of -0.3°C between 1880 to 1950 at some point in the next ten years. We’ll just have to wait and see what temperature data changes NASA GISS will uncover for us next.

— gReader Pro
