Steve Milloy: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt should stay – ‘What Pruitt is really ‘guilty’ of is effectively executing Trump’s campaign promises’ Steve MilloyPublished 6:56 p.m. ET April 30, 2018 | Updated 7:08 p.m. ET April 30, 2018 What Pruitt is really ‘guilty’ of is reining in the rogue Environmental Protection Agency: Opposing view (Photo: Andrew Harnik/AP) CONNECTTWEETLINKEDINCOMMENTEMAILMORE President Trump should ignore calls to fire Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. As mountains are made of […]

‘Wag The Sea-Level Rise’ How Climate Activists Spin Data To Fearmonger

by J.E. Dyer Whenever I see media reports that the U.S. military was behind a climate study, I know to approach it with caution.  It was a favorite messaging tactic of the Obama administration to defense-wash its political themes, presenting them as if the most trusted brand in American public life – the uniformed military – had […]

7-year old daughter of climate reporter asks Paul Ryan: ‘The earth is warming up. What should we do?’ Who asks Paul Ryan the tough climate question? The 7-year-old. Midway through the House speaker’s weekly briefing on Thursday, a young voice from the audience piped up and asked Ryan, “The earth is warming up. What should we do?” What was she doing there? It was Take Your Child to Work Day, so journalists brought their […]


The latest celebrity lecture comes with a serving of Humble Pie. Look out, Comedy Central has another progressive message embedded in some wacky high jinks. The comedy outpost offers a reliably left-of-center bent to much of its original content. Think “Broad City,” which spent an entire episode fawning over twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Or […]

Obama Amnesia & the EPA: For 8 years, Obama’s EPA refused to ban a toxic solvent — Now, Dems are blasting Pruitt for not banning it yet

By Julie Kelly The Obama Amnesia afflicting our friends on the Left is particularly acute when it comes to the Environmental Protection Agency. It is as if lead-contamination oozed into our water supply; toxic chemicals that were deemed safe for eight years randomly started killing unsuspecting Americans; and algae blooms from agricultural run-off began popping […]

Pruitt’s Rule Ending Secret Science is Pro-science, Pro-consumer

  The Hill Angela Logomasini • April 30, 2018 TWITTER FACEBOOK GOOGLE+ PRINT E-MAIL EXCERPT: EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt’s proposed rule to increase public access to scientific data makes eminent sense, since transparency is a cornerstone of the scientific process. The public should have access to data that agencies use to pass regulations that impose economic burdens and limit consumer […]

WINNING! Sen. Inhofe’s ‘ideas and acolytes are permeating the agency’

By EMILY ATKIN April 23, 2018 About a week before Donald Trump was sworn in as president, Senator James Mountain Inhofe was preparing to step down as chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee due to term limits. He released a report listing the committee’s accomplishments, including “disapproving of the president’s carbon regulations,” conveying that “that the science […]

Are solar and wind finally cheaper than fossil fuels? Not a chance!

By Lawrence Solomon “’Spectacular’ drop in renewable energy costs leads to record global boost,” The Guardian headline reported last year. “Clean Energy Is About to Become Cheaper Than Coal,” pronounced MIT’s Technology Review. “The cost of installing solar energy is going to plummet again,” echoed Grist, the environmental journal. Other sources declare that renewables are […]

The @NobelPrize spews moronic climate propaganda

Anthony Watts / 24 mins ago April 30, 2018 I did a double-take when I saw this, and at first I thought this must be coming from a fake Twitter account. So, I checked. And yes, it is from the official Nobel Twitter account: Unfortunately, it’s all too real. We’ve known for a long time (ever since Al […]