Gore Effect Strikes again: DC Youth ‘global warming’ march met by very cool summer temperatures

A  media touted youth “climate change” march today in Washington DC has been greeted by unusually cool temperatures.  (See: March on DC! Young ‘Climate Justice’ Advocates Say It’s Time for a Revolution – ‘Global warming’ to hit ‘marginalized communities…indigenous, homeless, queer & trans people’)

The temperature in DC today has barely reached 70 degrees. The normal high for July in DC is 88 degrees.

Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: “I have to smile at how many times nature will go the opposite way of what is being pushed at a climate event, This afternoon in DC form climate march wind-driven rain,15-20 [degrees] cooler than average.”

(More on Gore Effect here &  see Factsheet on the ‘Gore Effect’– ‘Happens when global warming-related event is marked by exceedingly cold weather/snow’)

The Youth Climate March in DC issued the following “Guiding Principles:” 

“Systems of oppression (capitalism, colonialism, racism, and patriarchy) have led to climate change, therefore we must shift our culture away from these systems.” … “Black lives matter. Queer and trans people must be heard. Rape culture must be dismantled…Marginalized cultures must be treated with dignity.”

The march organizers also seem to blame earthquakes on “climate change.”

NYT: Meet the Teenagers Leading a Climate Change Movement

March on DC! Young ‘Climate Justice’ Advocates Say It’s Time for a Revolution – ‘Global warming’ to hit ‘marginalized communities…indigenous, homeless, queer & trans people’


This Weekend’s Youth Climate March Celebrates Diversity

“It’s Zero Hour to Act on Climate Change.” Teen Activists Call for Action in Global Marches.

Teens march against climate change
