New claim: ‘Climate change’ is making pigs skinnier — which could mean more expensive pork!
A warmer planet will mean skinner hogs, according to a new report from Scientific American.Getty Images Laura Brehaut September 25, 2018 2:06 PM EDT Pork is the most widely consumed animal protein in the world. Representing more than 36 per cent of global meat-eating, a hit to production could have devastating effects. As a […]
UN chief: ‘Pivotal moment’ for fighting global warming – ‘Risks runaway climate change if leaders don’t act in the next two years’ Sep 25, 2018 9:28 AM EDT UNITED NATIONS — U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the world has reached “a pivotal moment” in global warming and risks runaway climate change if leaders don’t act in the next two years. He is telling world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly that they aren’t doing enough to […]
NOAA: ‘No Compelling Evidence’ Behind Claims Of More Hurricane Landfalls
NOAA: “No Compelling Evidence” Behind Claims Of More Hurricane Landfalls! Despite all the signals being sent from every direction suggesting global warming is leading to more frequent and intense hurricanes, even the warmist NOAA is forced to confess that this has not been the long-term case. About the claims of more hurricanes? Well, the […]
U.S. Forest Fire Burn Acreage Down 86% Since 1930
Forest Fire Burn Acreage Down 86% Since 1930 “He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.” George Orwell, “1984” US Forest fire burn acreage so far this year is 40th highest on record, and down 86% since 1930. Spreadsheet Actual data wrecks their global warming scam, […]
Climate Alarmists Accuse IPCC Of ‘Watering Down’ Disaster Predictions (Again)
Climate Alarmists Accuse IPCC Of ‘Watering Down’ Disaster Predictions (Again) Climate alarmists are alarmed that a new IPCC report to be released on 8 October by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change will reject their apocalyptic rhetoric and disaster predictions. They blame IPCC scientists for deliberately downplaying the danger of global warming in order […]
More Cracks In The Paris Climate Agreement
More Cracks In The Paris Climate Agreement And as with Copenhagen, the Paris Agreement remains far from being a done deal. Winter is coming to Poland, where temperatures dip below zero, but the coal-hungry European centre has become the last hope to pull progress on the Paris Agreement from the deep freeze. It’s not […]
Green Suicide: Germany’s Economic Backbone Suffers From Soaring Power Prices
Green Suicide: Germany’s Economic Backbone Suffers From Soaring Power Prices Mittelstand companies weighed down by soaring electricity costs are struggling against competition from U.S. and China. If power prices continue to rise, many companies could be forced to close down. Bosses at a steelmaker in northwest Germany have ripped out old-style lighting in favor […]
MIT: Climate tipping point busted – globe needs to reach 152°F before runaway greenhouse effect kicks in
MIT: Climate tipping point busted – globe needs to reach 152°F before runaway greenhouse effect kicks in Current trend of “global warming” isn’t enough to get there, says MIT scientist. How Earth sheds heat into space New insights into the role of water vapor may help researchers predict how the planet will respond to […]
Greenland Ice Sheet apparently gains mass for the 2nd year in a row
Greenland Ice Sheet apparently gains mass for the 2nd year in a row Long-time WUWT reader Dave Burton writes: I’ve seen no official pronouncement from DMI, but here are their graphs for Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS) surface mass balance (SMB), for the 2016-2017 glaciological year (Sept. 1 – Aug. 31), and for the 2017-2018 […]
Doug Ford deep-sixing Ontario’s Green Energy Act
Doug Ford deep-sixing Ontario’s Green Energy Act The Ford government has already canceled 758 renewable energy contracts signed by the Liberals. Ontario has some of the highest electricity rates in North America and its cost was a major issue in the recent provincial election that saw the Conservatives win a landslide majority. –