Don’t worry! Everything has been ‘DIRE’ for years – A history of ‘dire’ environmental & climate warnings

Every prediction is “dire.”  And every climate summit is the ‘last chance. See: See: Every climate summit is hailed as the ‘last chance!’ And as early as 1864, “tipping points” about the “extinction of the species” and climate were issued.


UN IPCC’s & Penn State’s Michael Mann loves the word ‘dire’Image result for dire climate

‘Dire’ environmental & climate round-up
By Dennis Ambler

2006: A load of hot air? Dire warning
Hardly a day goes by without a new dire warning about climate change. But some claims are more extreme than others, giving rise to fears that the problem is being oversold and damaging the issue.

2006: Climate scientists issue dire warning

2009: Obama’s energy secretary outlines dire climate change scenario
Steve Chu’s warning the clearest sign to date of the greening of America’s political class under Obama

2009: White House Climate Change Report Issues Dire Warning On Worsening Situation

2009: Scientists issue dire warning on rising sea levels By Dan Brennan World Socialist Website

February 2009: Dire new warning on climate from IPCC scientist
by Kate Melville

2008: NASA scientist issues dire warning on global warming

2008: Dire new warning on climate

2006: Scientists Issue Dire Warning on Marine Life – LiveScience

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issues most dire warning yet

2007: Dire climate warning linked to China and India By Elisabeth Rosenthal Wednesday, November 14, 2007

2007: World wakes to climate calamity – Dire warning…UN climate report

2001: Scientists Issue Dire Prediction On Warming By Philip P. Pan > Washington Post Foreign Service

2009: Global warming: dire warning Barbara Sibbald MAJ

2018: Extinction Rebellion discover the word “Dire”
The idea behind the Extinction Rebellion movement is that governments around the world are failing to do enough to prevent extreme climate change and the ongoing mass extinction. The only choice left, they say, is to rebel.
“The situation is dire, and there are very few governments that are prepared to act,” one of the protestors, Annie Randall, told New Scientist.
