Climate skeptic Morano picks fight at Congressional hearing – ‘Verbally attacks the credibility of one of the UN scientists’

Climate skeptic picks fight at hearing: Rep.Jared Huffman, D-Calif, who served as chairman at the hearing, had to cut off testimony when one of the climate skeptics testifying began to verbally attack the credibility of one of the U.N. scientists.

UN Scientist Bob Watson reacts to Morano’s testmony

Marc Morano, a critic of the U.N. and founder of Climate Depot, was asked twice to direct his comments to the chairman and not fellow panelists at the hearing. Huffman was forced to stop Morano from delivering his prepared remarks for refusing to listen to the chairman’s direction not to criticize fellow panelists.

Democrat Subcommittee chair Rep. Jared Huffman to @climatedepot Marc Morano: “Mr. Morano, I don’t know what inspires someone to make a career out of trolling scientists.”


Climate Depot’s Morano note: The article is incorrect on me being “forced to stop.” I was able to finish my testimony and received the full allotted time during the hearing.



