Signs from NYC “Youth Climate Strike” reveal true agenda

CFACT was on the ground at the New York City “Youth Climate Strike”, capturing photos and videos of the radical agenda harbored by the climate activists. Here are just a few of the signs and banners held by the marchers; each of them showing this strike had nothing to do with actually cleaning up the planet.

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 7

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 3

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 6

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 1

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 5

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 8

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 4

Signs from NYC "Youth Climate Strike" reveal true agenda 2

