Hysterics march to no avail at UN climate summit in Madrid
https://www.cfact.org/2019/12/08/cop-25-hysterics-march-to-no-avail-in-madrid/ By David Wojick |December 8th, 2019|Climate|0 Comments Friday was hysterical marching day, so they dutifully filled a street in Madrid. In addition, in a carefully orchestrated show, hundreds of demonstrators were let into the COP 25 conference center. These marches are family social affairs, so there were mothers with babies, etc. Ironically, while this family social […]
Fossil fuel groups ‘destroying’ climate talks, say NGOs
https://tallbloke.wordpress.com/2019/12/08/fossil-fuel-groups-destroying-climate-talks-say-ngos/ Where’s the logic? Nearly all these folk arrived in Madrid thanks to fossil fuels. They accepted sponsorship – without which there wouldn’t be a conference – from companies that deal in fossil fuels. But now they want to whine about who and what they’re depending on. Oil and gas groups were accused Saturday of […]