Excerpt: “Anyone who trivializes or prevents the climate catastrophe defense against the climate catastrophe according to the Paris Climate Agreement and its follow-up agreements, denies or prevents the climate catastrophe, will be fined up to 300 daily rates. In the event of a repeat sentence, the sentence is imprisonment.”

Guest essay by Eric Worrall
h/t NoTricksZone, William Astley; A Solar Energy publication in Germany has demanded that politicians use climate emergency declarations as a justification to punish climate “saboteurs”, people who undermine climate action by trivialising the emergency with their climate denial.
From Google Translate;
Downplaying the climate catastrophe endangers human survival – do we have to accept that?
Why the trivialized must not hide behind the fundamental right of freedom of expression
Misleading alleged “studies” or scandal news are still spreading worldwide, the purpose of which is to sow doubts about scientifically proven warnings from climate science. For example, it has been claimed that climate scientists are exaggerating the extent and risks of global warming – in order to secure their jobs and receive more research funding. The aim of such misleading contributions is to continue fossil energy generation and economic activity for as long as possible. The Background section in more detail below .
The damage these fake messages do is immeasurable because their “camouflage” is perfect. Even readers with a good basic knowledge of the natural sciences cannot recognize the untrustworthiness of these cleverly prepared fake messages and consider them to be serious contributions to the discussion on a still undecided topic. So they prefer to wait for a final clarification. It is precisely this waiting that delays the implementation of vital climate protection measures.
One of the latest climate science studies at https://www.pnas.org/content/115/33/8252 now foresees the demise of mankind due to global overheating, if the global economic climate gas emissions are not ended within the next 10 years and active return of greenhouse gases is also introduced worldwide using technical methods. But this study painstakingly avoids any wording that could lead to panic.
At the suggestion of the fridays for future demonstrators, Constance was the first German city to call the “climate emergency ” – a rather symbolic act – but it shows what would be needed . Mayor Burchardt said that from now on all decisions pending in the town council must be assessed in terms of climate protection. At the same time, he called on the federal government to improve the legal framework for climate protection measures.
It is important, not only in Constance, but everywhere in Germany (everyone should first come to their front door) and finally worldwide, to avert the danger to the best of their knowledge and belief. In the event of a climate catastrophe, the natural sciences provide the best knowledge, but not the trivialists. What the trivialists do can be called sabotage. And sabotage of emergency measures should be punished.
No change to the Basic Law is necessary, just a further provision in the “general laws” – here in the Criminal Code – something like this:
“Anyone who trivializes or prevents the climate catastrophe defense against the climate catastrophe according to the Paris Climate Agreement and its follow-up agreements, denies or prevents the climate catastrophe, will be fined up to 300 daily rates. In the event of a repeat sentence, the sentence is imprisonment .…
Read more (in German): http://sfv.de/artikel/verharmlosung_der_klimakrise_eine_straftat.htm
Given all the jingoistic green talk of WW2 style mobilisations to address the climate crisis, I guess it was only a matter of time until someone suggested imprisonment for people who sabotage the war effort with their criticism, including scientists who criticise the work of their alarmist colleagues.