The Hill newspaper incorrectly claims 2019 was a full 33F degrees warmer than average!

How does The Hill publish such incorrect nonsense?!

The Hill staff writer Rachel Frazin embarrasses the publication with her January 8, 2020 article titled:  “2019 was second warmest year on record globally: analysis.” Frazin erroneously wrote: “The average temperature last year was almost 33.08 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the 1981–2010 average, C3S found.”

Not quite. The reality was that the “hottest years” claims are highly dubious to begin with. See: While NOAA/NASA claims 2019 as the ‘second warmest year ever’ , other data shows 2019 cooler than 2005 for USA

But how did Frazin concoct such an absurd number that 2019 was allegedly 33.08F warmer temperature?!

Frazin most likely translated 0.6 ºC to 33.08 ºF, not realizing that the difference between temperature and the temperature difference (0.6ºC).

Not as easily answered is why THe Hill has yet to correct such a glaring error in their publication?


Related Links: 

Ross McKitrick: Climate Models vs Observations: 2019 Update – ‘The El Nino disguised the model-observational discrepancy for a few years, but it’s coming back’

Here we go again! Media hypes alleged ‘Hottest year’ declarations as 2018 cools, slips to 4th ‘warmest’ – Book excerpt

Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer rebuts media-hyped claims on ‘hottest month’: July 2019 Was Not the Warmest on Record


