Consensus wrong? New sunspot cycle could be one of the strongest on record, new research predicts Consensus wrong? New sunspot cycle could be one of the strongest on record, new research predictsThe Global Warming Policy Forum (GWPF) / by bennypeiser / 4hIs this article about space?YESNO In direct contradiction to the official forecast, a team of scientists led by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is predicting that the Sunspot Cycle that started this […]

COVID, global warming: Look out when the power-mad left takes a temperature COVID, global warming: Look out when the power-mad left takes a temperature By Jack Hellner Americans have many choices in electric powered vehicles these days, yet, even with subsidies, only around 2% of Americans choose to buy one. Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Barack Obama, General Motors, and others, corporate and human, do not believe Americans should have […]

Fauci: ‘We have entered the Pandemic Era’ because of Climate Change  “We have entered a pandemic era,” wrote Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in a recent paper he co-authored with his NIAID colleague David Morens. The paper cites HIV/AIDS, which has so far killed at least 37 million, as well as “unprecedented pandemic explosions” of the past decade. It’s […]