Whoa! Duck & Cover! U.S. cities consider treating fossil fuels like nuclear weapons – Seek ‘global disarmament’ through a ‘Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty’
Excerpt: “Half a century later, the nations once stockpiling nuclear weapons are now stockpiling fossil fuels, which are already upending life on earth as we know it. That’s why a group of activists, policy experts, and academics are beginning to push for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, modeled off its predecessor on nuclear weapons.’ Via […]
Peer-Reviewed Study Confirms Antarctica Has Not Warmed in Last Seven Decades – ‘Sea ice area has modestly expanded’
https://climaterealism.com/2021/01/peer-reviewed-study-confirms-antarctica-has-not-warmed-in-last-seven-decades/ By James Taylor Cancel all the claims by climate activists that global warming is decimating Antarctica. A peer-reviewed study recently published in one of the most prominent science journals destroys one of the most frequently asserted claims by climate activists – that climate change is warming Antarctica and melting the Antarctic ice sheet. The […]
Science absurdity: Climate Change Blamed For Lake Victoria Record High Levels — After Being Blamed For Low Levels!
SCIENCE ABSURDITY: Climate Change Blamed For Lake Victoria Record High Levels (After Being Blamed For Low Levels in 2006)! @derStandardat After years of warnings it would soon dry up, now at RECORD HIGH LEVEL. https://t.co/XUCQ3uiw7C pic.twitter.com/iEW7kPPbfa — Pierre L. Gosselin (@NoTricksZone) January 5, 2021 https://notrickszone.com/2021/01/05/climate-change-blamed-for-lake-victoria-record-high-levels-after-being-blamed-for-low-levels/ By P Gosselin Science absurdity… “Climate experts” blame climate change […]
Climate Change Is Turning Cities Into Ovens: ‘A new model estimates that by 2100, cities across the world could warm as much as 4.4 degrees C’
https://www.wired.com/story/climate-change-is-turning-cities-into-ovens/ WHICHEVER SIDE OF the subjective city-versus-rural debate you’re on, the objective laws of thermodynamics dictate that cities lose on at least one front: They tend to get insufferably hotter, more so than surrounding rural areas. That’s thanks to the urban heat-island effect, in which buildings and roads readily absorb the sun’s energy and release it […]
Michael Mann’s new book on the New Climate War
https://climatecrocks.com/2020/12/17/new-book-mike-mann-on-the-new-climate-war/ Public Affairs Books: A renowned climate scientist shows how fossil fuel companies have waged a thirty-year campaign to deflect blame and responsibility and delay action on climate change, and offers a battle plan for how we can save the planet. Recycle. Fly less. Eat less meat. These are some of the ways that we’ve […]
Brazil Slams WEF’s Great Reset: ‘Totalitarian Social Control Is Not The Remedy For Any Crisis’
https://www.technocracy.news/brazil-slams-wefs-great-reset-totalitarian-social-control-is-not-the-remedy-for-any-crisis/ BY: TIM HINCHLIFFE Brazil’s minister of foreign affairs says “no” to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) proposed “great reset” agenda, telling the United Nations (UN) special session on COVID-19 that “totalitarian social control is not the remedy for any crisis.” “Those who dislike freedom always try to benefit from moments of crisis to preach […]
Corrupted climate litigation industry comes to Supreme Court
https://climatelitigationwatch.org/washington-times-column-corrupted-climate-litigation-industry-comes-to-scotus/ Chris Horner has a piece in today’s Washington Times about the climate litigation industry and next week’s oral argument in the Mayor and City of Baltimore v. BP p.l.c. An Excerpt: Climate litigation industry comes to SCOTUS Supreme Court will decide whether government donors, ideologues and the trial bar should prevail Increasingly, societal institutions have enlisted as […]
Watch: Morano warns of the coming ‘climate lockdowns’ & ‘new normal’ of blacklisting
Fired. Banned from Twitter. Put on a no-fly list. The left is working overtime to punish conservatives who supported Trump. We discuss with @ClimateDepot on this week's show: https://t.co/6gqxNn9kWv pic.twitter.com/xtrB83BuO9 — Unreported Story Society (@AP_Unreported) January 13, 2021 Climate change lockdowns? It sounds crazy but @ClimateDepot thinks they're in the near future. We discuss on […]
LA Times celebrates a $10M climate scam campaign that will attempt to convince mothers that ~400 ppm CO2 is ‘a threat to their kids’
LA Times celebrates a $10M climate scam campaign that will attempt to convince mothers that ~400 ppm CO2 is "a threat to their kids". https://t.co/XyTemTtMg7 — Tom Nelson (@tan123) January 14, 2021 https://www.latimes.com/environment/story/2021-01-12/mothers-are-increasingly-worried-about-climate-change-a-new-ad-campaign-has-female-scientists-speaking-directly-to-them?_amp=true They’re climate scientists. They’re mothers. Now they’re joining the battle to get Americans to act By ANNA M. PHILLIPSSTAFF WRITER JAN. 12, 2021 […]
The bogus case for regulators greening the financial system
https://www.realclearenergy.org/articles/2021/01/11/climate_risk_and_financial_stability_656109.html By Rupert Darwall Shortly before her nomination as Treasury secretary in the Biden administration, Janet Yellen appeared on a Bloomberg New Economy panel discussing the role of central banks as the world struggles to emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic. The panel revealed a sharp difference of opinion between Yellen and one of her predecessors – Larry […]