Tune in: Marc Morano Debunks UN Summit #COP26 Climate Extortion in ‘Green New Deal: The Great Regret’ Oct. 6, 2021, on Friends of Science YouTube

https://finance.yahoo.com/news/marc-morano-debunks-cop26-climate-070000588.html Marc Morano will debunk COP26 climate extortion in his presentation “Green New Deal: The Great Regret” on Oct. 6, 2021, at 7 p.m. MDT for part two of Friends of Science Society’s 18th Annual Event – free, online. Developing nations were bribed into the Paris Agreement with promises of $100bn/year Green Climate Fund; Robert Lyman reports demands have escalated into climate extortion in […]

Central banks take climate change into account in formulating monetary policy

There is increasing pressure on central banks to take climate change into account in formulating monetary policy. @CatoCMFA’s James A. Dorn explains the challenges to the use of monetary policy to support a green agenda… https://t.co/MoaazOyXNF #CatoCMFA pic.twitter.com/cJFQOCsbMv — Cato Institute (@CatoInstitute) October 2, 2021 https://www.cato.org/blog/central-banking-climate-change Central Banking and Climate Change By James A. Dorn There […]

NYT’s Tom Friedman falsely claims: Don’t blame the greens for the looming energy disaster this winter in Europe

    https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2021/10/06/friedman-dont-blame-the-greens-for-the-looming-energy-disaster-this-winter-n420638 By JOHN SEXTON Tom Friedman has an interesting column at the NY Times today warning that this winter is shaping up to be a disaster for Europe in terms of keeping the lights and the heat on. But for some reason, the column has a silly headline, one that seems to almost […]

Biden’s EPA strategic plan touts climate, environmental justice goals

    https://www.eenews.net/articles/epa-strategic-plan-touts-climate-environmental-justice-goals/ By Kevin Bogardus EPA has released a new forward-looking proposal that puts fighting climate change and advancing environmental justice at the center of the agency’s agenda. On Friday, EPA released its draft strategic plan that will help the agency chart its course over the next several years. While emphasizing action on climate and equity, […]

Watch: Latest Morano Minute: ‘Don’t California my Virginia!’

    Don’t California my Virginia! Morano Minute E18 “Don’t California my Virginia” is what a growing coalition is saying as it fights the Virginia Clean Economy Act; a terrible climate law signed by the Governor. It threatens to pave Virginia’s forests with solar panels and plunge the state into blackouts. Can Virginians overturn the […]

COVID has Replaced Climate Change as the Religion of the Left

  https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/10/covid_has_replaced_climate_change_as_the_religion_of_the_left.html By Brian C. Joondeph Religion is a belief system based on a combination of logic and faith, mostly beyond the realm of what can be proven scientifically. A dictionary definition is, “Religion is belief in a god or gods and the activities that are connected with this belief, such as praying or worshipping in a building […]

‘The Nobel Prize has committed suicide’: Fmr. Harvard Physicist rips award for climate models: ‘Nobel Prize in Physics has become a joke, too’

  https://motls.blogspot.com/2021/10/global-warming-nobel-prize-in-physics.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+LuboMotlsReferenceFrame+(Lubos+Motl%27s+reference+frame) By Dr. Lubos Motl Excerpt: But it is clearly the other one-half of the Nobel Prize that turned the Nobel Prize into a corpse in my eyes. The other types of Nobel Prizes, especially those for peace and perhaps literature, have a track record featuring lots of terrorists and communists who got their […]