‘This is a blessing in disguise’: Climate activists happy! ‘Good riddance Nord Stream 2. Now Europe has a golden opportunity to ‘meet global climate goals to keep our planet livable’

https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/23/opinions/nord-stream-2-germany-putin-gas-energy-hockenos/index.html By Paul Hockenos is a Berlin-based writer focusing on renewable energy in Europe. He is the author of four books on European issues, most recently “Berlin Calling: A Story of Anarchy, Music, the Wall and the Birth of the New Berlin.” The opinions in this article are those of the author. View more opinion […]

New York Times reports that ‘the reliability & resilience of the electricity grid’ are ‘top concerns for climate change deniers’

If the climate left thinks electric grid reliability & resilience is only a 'centrist/moderate' (or, crazier, 'climate denier') concern, we're in even more trouble than I thought. pic.twitter.com/3nxxLUXzuN — Matt Huber (@Matthuber78) February 25, 2022 Jonathan Weisman is the New York Times congressional correspondent, veteran Washington journalist and author of the novel “No. 4 Imperial […]

They Are Still Defending Lockdowns – Despite overwhelmingly evidence that ‘impositions of basic freedoms did not achieve intended result but instead produced terrible public-health outcomes’

https://brownstone.org/articles/they-are-still-defending-lockdowns/ BY JEFFREY A. TUCKER Fifteen years ago, writers schooled in computer science began to imagine various totalitarian schemes for pandemic control. Experienced public health officials in 2006 warned that this would lead to disaster. Donald Henderson, for example, went through the whole list of possible restrictions, shooting them down one by one. Still, a […]

STUDY: Polar bears continued to thrive in 2021 – Bear population increases to 32,000, up from about 26,000

  https://mailchi.mp/e8dc45d9f585/the-gwpf-newsletter-0pazn5cm4e-187338?e=0b1369f9f8 London, 26 February – Polar bears are thriving, says prominent Canadian zoologist. In the State of the Polar Bear Report 2021, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) ahead of International Polar Bear Day tomorrow, zoologist Dr. Susan Crockford explains that while the IUCN Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) promotes the impression that polar bear population numbers […]

Manchin to Biden: Stop buying Russian oil and ramp up domestic production now

    https://hotair.com/ed-morrissey/2022/03/01/manchin-to-biden-stop-buying-russian-oil-and-ramp-up-domestic-production-now-n451969 By ED MORRISSEY According to CBS, Joe Biden will use his State of the Union speech to impress upon Americans the seriousness of his sanctions on Russia. Count at least one of his own Democratic colleagues among the unimpressed, however:   The US has mostly followed the EU in its sanctions, but […]

Supreme Court hints at constraining Biden on climate

    https://www.axios.com/supreme-court-hints-at-constraining-biden-on-climate-f4758cdb-1c1d-4ede-8901-a752e36ab5c8.html By Ben Geman The Supreme Court looks likely to limit the executive authority to issue sweeping climate rules without new legislation, but it’s unclear if they’ll unite around broader limits on regulatory power. Catch up fast: The high court held arguments Monday in related cases about now-defunct regulations to curb carbon emissions from the electricity […]

CFACT bings energy independence message to CPAC 2022 in Orlando

  https://www.cfact.org/2022/03/02/cfact-bings-energy-independence-message-to-cpac-2022-in-orlando/ By Adam Houser CFACT once again officially cosponsored CPAC (the Conservative Political Action Conference) in Orlando, Florida, which is the largest annual gathering of grassroots conservatives in the world. CFACT brought its message of energy independence and sound environmental policy to conference attendees, which was well-timed given world events. As Russian troops stream […]

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends reacting to Biden’s SOTU: ‘Missed opportunity’ to re-open U.S. energy – ‘Biden wants American-made everything — except energy’

Partial transcript:  Morano: Joe Biden missed an opportunity to actually address America’s problem of his administration crushing American energy. He only mentioned the ‘climate crisis’ once. And I’m sure that’s going to upset climate activists. But what he failed to do was send a signal that America is open for business when it comes to […]