Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. rips gas stove fears as ‘loathing of modern society’: ‘If you really care about emissions & not politics, then focus on cooking with oils’ or using ‘candles & incense’

https://twitter.com/RogerPielkeJr/status/1613530704406773760 Cooking indoors = emissions The type of stove matters to emissions rates If you really care about emissions and not politics, then focus on cooking with oils = emissions ~10x of gas stoves Want to regulate something to reduce indoor emissions? Cooking oil!Olive, corn etc pic.twitter.com/Snqjf51Jow — The Honest Broker (@RogerPielkeJr) January 12, 2023 […]

The New Pause lengthens: 100 Months with No Warming At All – Since 2014 – 8 years & 4 months…despite 14% of manmade CO2

https://wattsupwiththat.com/2023/01/04/the-new-pause-lengthens-100-months-with-no-warming-at-all/ By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley The cold weather on both sides of the Atlantic last month seems to have had its effect on temperature, which fell sharply compared with November, lengthening the New Pause to 8 years 4 months, as measured by the satellites designed, built, and operated by Dr. Roy Spencer and Dr. […]

Net Zero Will Lead to the End of Modern Civilization, Says Top Scientist

https://dailysceptic.org/2023/01/10/net-zero-will-lead-to-the-end-of-modern-civilisation-says-top-scientist/ BY CHRIS MORRISON A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project has been made by one of the world’s leading nuclear physicists. In a recently published science paper, Dr. Wallace Manheimer said it would be the end of modern civilisation. Writing about wind and solar power he argued it would be especially tragic “when not […]