George Monbiot’s ‘farm-free’ future fantasies – Envisions ‘shutting down animal farming altogether’ BY JOHN LEWIS-STEMPEL Ever since they rode out of the Book of Revelation circa 90AD, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have wreaked existential havoc. They may now finally be about to achieve the End Times. We are either going to starve to death, as the world population reaches 10 billion by 2050, or drown […]

NPR calls the backlash over NOT wanting to eat bugs a ‘conspiracy’ – Implies those who refuse to eat insects are racist?! by: C.G. Jones The idea of eating bugs has, once again, found its way back into the news. NPR recently released a piece that suggested the pushback against eating bugs is founded on a baseless conspiracy theory that elites want the population to consume bugs. However, the evidence seems to suggest that elites do, in fact, want […]