We’re saved! Tax ourselves to better weather! ‘Global Climate Tax’: ‘Tax CO2 everywhere…Re-distribute 50% of the tax in cash per capita to the people’ – ‘Ending fossil energy in 10 years’

https://climatax.org/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzQsIjlhMTkxN2ZkNTY5YSIsMCwwLDAsMV0 Ending fossil energy in 10 years. Reducing the global energy bill by 50%. Increasing power purchasing parity of the lower 50%. Phasing out fossil fuels in less than 10 Years Tax CO2 everywhere, starting at U$100 per ton of CO2 equivalent, increasing by U$100 every year. Re-distribute 50% of the tax in cash per […]