WHAT? – Bill Gates FAKE lab made ‘butter’ is here ‘to significantly reduce our carbon footprint’ – ‘Made with CO2’ – ‘It’s a totally non-agricultural method
for producing food’

https://petersweden.substack.com/p/what-bill-gates-fake-lab-made-butter By PETER IMANUELSEN Excerpt: You have heard about fake lab grown meat – But now the new thing is fake lab made butter. And you can never guess who is supporting and promoting this? None other than Bill Gates… The company is called Savor and is making butter out of thin air. They capture […]

Global Greening Becomes so Obvious That Climate Alarmists Start Arguing We Need to nSave the Deserts’!

https://dailysceptic.org/2024/07/20/global-greening-becomes-so-obvious-that-climate-alarmists-start-arguing-we-need-to-save-the-deserts/ BY CHRIS MORRISON The world is ‘greening’ at an astonishing and rapidly growing rate and deserts are shrinking almost everywhere you look. All due, it seems, to a natural rise in carbon ‘plant food’ dioxide, not forgetting the small annual 4% portion contributed by humans burning hydrocarbons. Inconvenient to the political Net Zero narrative […]

We’re all getting sick of the lectures on climate change – Now doctors are being enlisted to scare us witless

https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/07/21/were-all-getting-sick-of-the-lectures-on-climate-change/ By JULIE BURCHILL In theory, people being more political sounds great. Less dreary conversations about the weather and the ‘footie’, and more water-coolers surrounded with colleagues fizzing with enthusiasm about democracy and its pleasures. But the actual practice of this presupposes that we will all be open-minded and curious and – unless we are […]

Globalist energy projects are destroying rural America — with GOP help

https://www.theblaze.com/columns/opinion/globalist-energy-projects-are-destroying-rural-america-with-gop-help?tpcc=social_x-post By DANIEL HOROWITZ Conservatives need their own all-of-the-above strategy, but only for fuels proven to work and that don’t rely on subsidies and mandates to survive. Liberal Republicans like Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon are allowing our beautiful rural landscapes to be colonized by dystopian environmental hazards such as solar panels, wind turbines, and carbon […]

‘Drill, Baby, Drill!’: 63% of Battleground State Voters Want More Fossil Fuels

https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/partner_surveys/drill_baby_drill_63_of_battleground_state_voters_want_more_fossil_fuels Despite concerns about climate change, increased domestic oil and gas production is favored by a majority of voters in key “battleground” states in this year’s presidential election. A new telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute finds that 63% of Likely Voters in six battleground states would support a law that would […]