Watch: Climate ’emergency’ protesters dress like zombies in city street – Hold signs lamenting YOU ‘bought unnecessary new clothes’ & warn of ‘climate hell’

It’s a mental health emergency, not a “climate emergency”. — Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) August 9, 2024 Related:  2019 report on a ‘1.5C World’: ‘Reduce number of clothing’ to ‘3 new clothing items per person per year’ by 2030 ‘to avoid climate breakdown’ – Affiliated with WEF, Michael Bloomberg, Soros, Google, FED EX & […]

Green New Walz: Everything you need to know about Tim Walz’s energy policy – ‘Walz has never seen a California energy policy he didn’t try to implement in Minnesota’ By Isaac Orr and Mitch Rolling We interrupt our regularly scheduled Saturday Substack post to bring you this important bulletin: On August 6, 2024th, Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris selected Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as the Vice Presidential candidate. No one has done more work analyzing Governor Walz’s energy policies over the last six […]

Watch: 2019 CNN ‘climate town hall’: Kamala Harris pushed ‘carbon fee’ that may be ‘passed on to consumers’ to fight ‘climate change’ & promote ‘environmental justice’

Remember when Kamala proposed a carbon tax that gets ‘passed on to consumers’? How do you think this would impact the cost of groceries and gas? Also… this is another one of the reasons why Democrats didn’t even vote for her. — Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 9, 2024 Then Democratic candidate for president Kamala […]

Watch: Jane Fonda cries about climate change: ‘Oh God, it breaks my — really breaks my heart’ – ‘Things are just going to spiral out of control’ Interview from ABC Sep 10 2020: Hollywood legend Jane Fonda has had a colourful life to say the least. It’s been full of activism, and now in her 80s her latest cause is climate change. Excerpt: Watch video here: Weeping begins at 4:00 minutes into video JANE FONDA: “Given the small window that we […]

Earth 14 years away from Ted Turner’s 2038 Countdown to Cannibalism: 2008 Flashback: ‘Most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals’ Whatever Will Climateers Cook Up Next? By Tony Thomas Among the inspirational spokesfolk sermonising about saving the planet from fossil fuels are actress Jane Fonda and ex-husband Ted Turner (2024 net worth $US2.5 billion). Jane ditched Ted in 2001 after 10 years marriage, leaving Ted so heart-broken that he needed a quartet of girlfriends for consolation. […]

Coming Clean on Clean Energy: It’s a Dirty Business By Kristen Walker Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are probably aware of the massive push to transition to green energy. The goal is to have wind and solar replace coal and natural gas; the electric vehicle (EV) will supposedly replace internal combustion engines. Directives are coming from the highest office in the […]