Georgia suffering from divided loyalties on electric vehicles: Fed pumping money into state for EV factories & battery plants, but ‘many voters & state lawmakers don’t like or want EVs’ Georgia is having an EV identity crisis By DAVID FERRIS Georgia is suffering from divided loyalties on electric vehicles. On one hand, its lawmakers and economic-development types are thrilled to have garnered almost $25 billion — more than any other state — to build battery and EV factories. They could employ tens of thousands and […]

Analysis: Organic Farming Activism Threatens Millions—& the Environment: Modern farming methods have lifted millions of people out of poverty

Organic Farming Activism Threatens Millions—and the Environment By Zion Lights Summary: Access to agrochemicals and mechanization has lifted millions of people from poverty. A backlash against industrial farming leads to inefficient alternatives, such as organic farming, which can be worse for the environment. The aftermath of Sri Lanka’s agrochemicals ban demonstrates the damage that occurs […]

Good News from the World’s Farms: ‘The world will harvest in 2024-25 about 10% more wheat, about 15% more corn, nearly 30% more soybeans, & about 10% more rice’

Good News from the World’s Farms “The last two decades have seen huge improvements in agronomics. Seeds yield far more than before, even when rain and temperatures aren’t ideal, and irrigation has expanded. Farmers have access to much better hardware: large planters, powerful tractors, improved combines, larger storage facilities. Compared with a decade ago, the […]