Over 100 electricity companies & investors swarm U.S. Capitol this week begging to keep pork from Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act flowing: ‘GOP’s climate ax meets business resistance’
https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2025/03/05/gops-climate-ax-meets-business-resistance-00213064 By JOEL KIRKLAND Republican leaders are planning to get rid of some Biden-era clean energy spending to pay a small fraction of the multitrillion-dollar costs of extending 2017 tax cuts — a major piece of President Donald Trump’s fiscal agenda. But their efforts may clash with the interests of energy companies, big businesses and GOP […]
Very good news for Mark Steyn: Judge reduced the (improper) punitive damage award from $1,000,000 to an insulting $5,000
Very good news for @MarkSteynOnline. Judge reduced the (improper) punitive damage award from $1,000,000 to an insulting $5,000. Meanwhile, over $500,000 in legal costs have been awarded against Mann in favor of National Review. I wonder why CEI hasn’t submitted similar… pic.twitter.com/aWvBmY4qMs — Stephen McIntyre (@ClimateAudit) March 4, 2025 Excellent news. Hopefully this will put […]
‘Grift, corruption, & fraud’ – Watch: Morano on Real America’s Voice TV on $20B IN EPA FUNDS GOING TO OBAMA/BIDEN-TIED GROUPS
$20B IN EPA FUNDS WENT TO OBAMA/BIDEN-TIED GROUPS @ClimateDepot says this is a grift when it comes to green energy as old as the 90s with Enron and Obama’s first energy stimulus. “This has grift, corruption, and fraud written all over it.”@stinchfield1776 pic.twitter.com/d5RHRXjPJW — Real America's Voice (RAV) (@RealAmVoice) March 5, 2025
Who Ate Your Milk-Bone? The New Republic Rages Musk’s ‘DOGE Cuts Could Kill Your Dog’

Climate Depot founder Marc Morano shredded the nutty take on DOGE in comments to MRC Business:
“This is the same old canard we have heard for decades whenever budget cuts impact federal employees. The world will end unless ‘dedicated’ government workers do x, y, or z. There are multiple layers of scientists at all levels of government, as well as academia, corporations, and state and local organizations, to help with issues like algae blooms. Just because a federal scientist has been terminated does not mean the Western world will collapse. Stop the drama queens!”
$375B EPA slush fund handled by John Podesta gave billions to charities founded only months earlier
https://nypost.com/2025/03/05/business/john-podesta-375m-epa-slush-fund-gave-billions-to-newly-formed-charities/ By Isabel Vincent The Biden administration funneled at least $20 billion dollars into environmental groups, most of which had only recently been founded, The Post has discovered. In one case, former Vice President Kamala Harris handed over a check for nearly $7 billion to Bethesda, Maryland, based group Climate United Fund, which does not […]
Analysis: Drill baby drill will make America wealthier for years to come – May ‘increase income for a family of four by over $300k over 25 years’
Indeed. Drill baby drill will make America wealthier for years to come. We ran the numbers at Heritage and found that it can increase income for a family of four by over $300k over 25 years amounting to over $25 trillion in increased GDP. @Heritage pic.twitter.com/KAcwZ8k2LP — Kevin D. Dayaratna, Ph.D. (@kdd0211) March 5, 2025
Bank Australia has ceased car loans for new fossil fuel cars from 2025 – Bank brags ‘Real climate action needs to be bold’

https://www.bankaust.com.au/about-us/why-us/ev-transition-ending-fossil-fuel-car-loans-2025 We’re stepping up to help protect the climate and future generations by actively supporting the shift towards a decarbonised economy. Here are five reasons we stopped providing car loans for new fossil fuel cars… 1. Cars are key to climate transition Private passenger cars account for 42% of Australia’s transport emissions, and transport is the […]
BONNER COHEN: Trump White House snubs UN climate talks & prepares to scuttle EPA regulatory tool
https://humanevents.com/2025/03/04/bonner-cohen-trump-white-house-snubs-un-climate-talks-prepares-to-scuttle-epa-regulatory-tool by: Bonner Cohen The Trump administration has made another in-your-face move away from global greenhouse gas-reduction commitments by barring U.S. officials from traveling to China to participate in an international conference to draft the next UN climate assessment. Trump is also on the verge of jettisoning an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policy that served as the backbone of U.S. climate regulations. […]
Reconsidering the EPA’s Endangerment Finding: It’s About Time
https://redstate.com/heartlandinstitute/2025/03/04/reconsidering-the-epas-endangerment-finding-its-about-time-n2186211 By The Heartland Institute According to The Washington Post, EPA Administrator Lee Zeldin is considering rescinding the agency’s 2009 carbon dioxide (CO₂) Endangerment Finding. If true, this is a much-needed decision. The Endangerment Finding, which classified CO₂ as a “threat to human health and welfare,” has been the legal foundation for aggressive climate regulations. Nearly 15 […]
Media & climate activists ‘melt down over Trump EPA plans to do away with the 2009 CO2 endangerment finding’
Ignorant climate hoaxers melt down over Trump EPA plans to do away with the 2009 endangerment finding. Here is hysterical Brown University’s Kim (she/her) Cobb @coralsncaves to AP climate propagandist Seth Borenstein @borenbears: “There is no possible world in which… pic.twitter.com/V0Swz5Je8W — Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) February 27, 2025