Chris Horner: ‘The recent meme being propagated by global warming alarmists is that they are under siege by skeptics, physically at risk for their selfless service to science, and to world’
Skeptic Author Chris Horner Exposes New York Times and AAAS: FOIA = Death Threats?! ‘Do we condone death threats (really?) and, if not, why would we then also issue a FOIA?’
Guest Post By Chris Horner, Director of litigation at American Tradition Institute and author of Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Threats, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed So the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), thoroughly rattled by the American Tradition Institute’s FOIA requests of UVa and NASA — […]
Bizarre: NYT follows AAAS lead on ‘FOIA requests equate to death threats’
Leftist website ‘Slate’ slams environmentalists for ‘living high off the hog’ in 3rd world — Cambodian peasasnts complain that greens treat them like the Khmer Rouge!
Final Solution?! Columnist Jill Singer urges global warming skeptics to silence themselves by inhaling ‘high concentrations’ of carbon monoxide [email protected]
Update: Warmist Richard Glover who suggested skeptics be forcibly tattooed, now upset at ‘internet hate campaign’ against him
Great news from Greenland: Greenpeace chief Kumi Naidoo arrested
Win $500 in’s ‘Climate Change Denier Tattoo’ Sweepstakes! ‘Simply draw on some body part (obscenity prohibited) your concept of a climate denier tattoo’
‘Nazi-creepy’: Warmist Richard Glover’s final solution to silence skeptics? ‘Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers to have their opinions forcibly tattooed on their bodies’
Putting humanity in a kangaroo court: ‘When Nobel laureates staged a mock eco-trial in Stockholm last week, they were really demanding to rule the world’