New Paper: Mammals Thrived and Diversified With ~2000-4000 ppm CO2, 20°C Warmer Oceans Than Today By Kenneth Richard on 1. July 2019 Marine species evolved, thrived, and diversified in 35 to 40°C ocean temperatures and CO2 concentrations “5-10x higher than present-day values” (Voosen, 2019 and Henkes et al., 2018). Image Source: Voosen, 2019 I. The insignificance of modern “global warming” Today’s ocean temperatures average about 16°C. CO2 levels hover around 400 parts per […]
Coral reef health defies climate alarmists Coral reef health defies climate alarmists By CFACT |July 1st, 2019|General Information|0 Comments Scientists studying the southern edge of the Great Barrier Reef report remarkable recent growth in coral. The findings defy alarmist predictions of doom and gloom after a cyclone damaged the reef and warming temperatures followed. Australian researchers conducted a four-year study off One […]
Coral Bleaching Update: It’s Not As Bad As We Thought by JAIME JESSOP In 2018, the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution revealed that, during the 2015/16 El Nino, 95% of corals bleached through heat stress around Jarvis Island in the equatorial Pacific. Upon investigating the reef further, they also found that the reef recovered from past severe bleaching events, though the 2015/16 event was the severest on […]
Analysis Finds Oceans Have Become LESS ‘Acidic’ With Rising CO2, Challenging The ‘Acidification’ Narrative
Analysis Finds Oceans Have Become LESS ‘Acidic’ With Rising CO2, Challenging The ‘Acidification’ Narrative NoTricksZone: Not here to worship what is known, but to question it … Analysis Finds Oceans Have Become LESS ‘Acidic’ With Rising CO2, Challenging The ‘Acidification’ Narrative by Kenneth Richard / Today, 10:41 A modest long-term (1800s-present) declining trend in […]
Coral Bleaching Just As Bad In 18thC
Coral Bleaching Just As Bad In 18thC NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT Coral Bleaching Just As Bad In 18thC By Paul Homewood A new study finds that coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef is nothing new. From the Evening Express: Large-scale coral bleaching has raised concern about the future of the […]
Analysis: The Total Myth of Ocean Acidification
By David Middleton The Fable of Chicken Little of the Sea Guest essay by David Middleton, When if comes to debunking Gorebal Warming, Chicken Little of the Sea (“ocean acidification”) and other Warmunist myths, my favorite starting points are my old college textbooks. Way back in the Pleistocene (spring semester 1979) in Marine Science I, our […]
Climate Scientists Mislead The World About Great Barrier Reef
Via: GWPF Newsletter 02/10/17 Climate Scientists Mislead The World About Great Barrier Reef Chief Science Adviser Attacks Scientists’ Political ‘Arrogance’ Reports by scientists that climate change has damaged the Great Barrier Reef beyond repair have been greatly exaggerated. Once again, climate alarmists have ignored the science of coral bleaching which is a regular El Niño-linked occurrence and […]
Scientists surprised that reef that survived the hotter holocene is already recovering from 2016 bleaching
By Paul Homewood Jo Nova has the story of how the Great Barrier Reef is recovering surprisingly fast. (Well, not so surprising to those of us who pointed out the reality a few months ago!) The ABC reports today that the Great Barrier Reef is recovering “surprisingly” fast. Source: Scientists surprised that reef that survived […]
Scientists “thrilled”: fish cope with acidification if tanks mimic normal large daily CO2 swings
The real story here is that past scares claiming that ocean acidification would create reckless fish were most likely an artefact of an inadequate experiment. There are big swings of CO2 and pH in shallow water environments, and the normal day-night cycle turns out to be good for fish. Source: Scientists “thrilled”: fish cope with […]
Widespread claims of a dead Great Barrier Reef are overblown
Widespread claims of a dead Great Barrier Reef are overblown The divers who make a living on the Great Barrier Reef want people to know coral bleaching doesn’t equal death. Share on Facebook Are you an influencer? After numerous media reports said the #Great Barrier Reef was dead from #Climate Change, reef divers wanted […]