Coral Reef Sophistry: Reality — ‘Not due to CO2’
Via: Almost everytime I look into an alarmist’s claim, there is an easy to identify natural cause of the observation. The arctic sea ice is greatly impacted by the wind direction, storms and warm water entering the arctic. None of which are due to CO2. Polar bears are doing just great, so there is […]
Falling Sea Level: The Critical Factor in 2016 Great Barrier Reef Bleaching!
Guest essay by Jim Steele Director emeritus Sierra Nevada Field Campus, San Francisco State University and author of Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism It is puzzling why the recent 2017 publication in Nature, Global Warming And Recurrent Mass Bleaching Of Corals by Hughes et al. ignored the most critical factor affecting… […]
More ‘settled science’… land-based microbes harming coral reefs
Should be considered along with the recent study on the effects of “dead zones” on coral reefs. Read about dead zones and coral reefs. The media release for the microbe study is below. ### Land-based microbes may be invading and harming coral reefs AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY A new study suggests that coral reefs–already under […]
Oops… ‘scientists’ overlooked effect of ‘dead zones’ on coral reefs
Not global warming. Not ocean acidification. Key quotes: … they suspected it was caused by a dead zone–a low-oxygen area that snuffs out marine life–rather than by ocean warming or acidification… The team thinks that such dead zones may be common in the tropics but have gone largely unreported, simply because scientists never looked… Based […]
Divers say less than 5% of Great Barrier Reef is dead, not half
A team of divers is pushing back on a so-called second mass bleaching event occurring on the #Great Barrier Reef, which media reports said affected 50 to 60 percent of Cape York region. Scientists from the government-funded ARC center also found a 35 percent mortality rate, with an ultimate death toll topping 90 percent. That’s […]
Surprise: Ocean acidification quite good for some shells
Also see: We’re finding new coral reefs everywhere… Wait, wait – someone made an assumption that carbon life forms would not like more carbon, and that they might not be able to adjust to a change even after surviving for 100 million years of other changes. But now researchers are surprised that some shells are […]
How Gaia and coral reefs regulate ocean pH
by Jim Steele Although some researchers have raised concerns about possible negative effects of rising CO2 on ocean surface pH, there are several lines of evidence demonstrating marine ecosystems are far more sensitive to fluxes of carbon dioxide from ocean depths and the biosphere’s response than from invasions of atmospheric CO2. There is also ample […]
Claim: Scientist ‘Cried For An Hour’ Over Bleached Coral, ‘Global Warming’
Despite worries, some coral reefs ‘doing much better than we anticipated’
Despite worries, some coral reefs ‘doing much better than we anticipated’ From the ARC CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE IN CORAL REEF STUDIES and the “Nature always finds a way” department Bright spots shine light on the future of coral reefs Researchers have discovered a handful of ‘bright spots’ among the world’s embattled coral reefs, offering […]