Study: Coral Reefs Just Fine If Away From Humans
Coral Reefs Just Fine If Away From Humans Reading this article on coral reefs makes me wonder if “climate reporters” have a brain in their head.But then I realized you don’t get to keep those jobs unless you vomit up the propaganda. First it starts in on the doom and gloom stuff about coral […]
New publication demonstrates that scientists have routinely exaggerated the “evil twin of climate change” aka ocean acidification
New publication demonstrates that scientists have routinely exaggerated the “evil twin of climate change” aka ocean acidification A new paper published in the ICES Journal of Marine Science puts the issue of “ocean acidification” to the test, and finds that there has been significant exaggeration in the issue. The paper is: Applying organized scepticism to […]
Major Press Outlets Ignore Story of Billionaire’s Yacht Wrecking Coral Reef
Co-Founder of Greenpeace Dr. Patrick Moore’s new paper: Ocean ‘Acidification’ Alarmsim in Perspective
NOAA scientists admit in private that they can’t name any place affected by ocean acidification
NOAA scientists admit in private that they can’t name any place affected by ocean acidification There’s the truth, then there’s the whole truth. From a climate expert at NOAA, the study of ocean acidification is so young “they don’t have any data sets that show a direct effect of OA on population health” and […]
Greenpeace Co-Founder Dr. Patrick Moore: Why Coral Reefs & Shellfish Will Not Die From ‘Ocean Acidification’
Seawater in the open ocean is typically at a pH of 8.0-8.5 on a scale of 0-14, where 0 is the most acidic, 14 is most basic and 7 is neutral. Ocean acidification from increased CO2 is predicted to make the ocean less basic, perhaps to pH 7.5 under so-called worst-case projections. How do I […]
New climate stress index model challenges doomsday forecasts for world’s coral reefs
New climate stress index model challenges doomsday forecasts for world’s coral reefs Believe it or not, that’s the actual headline from the Wildlife Conservation Society press release. This model they tout incorporates field data. – Anthony Complex model performs better than common temperature threshold predictions Recent forecasts on the impacts of climate change on […]
Science -vs- PR hype doesn’t hold up: Satellite images reveal ocean acidification from space
Science -vs- PR hype doesn’t hold up: Satellite images reveal ocean acidification from space I’m a bit skeptical of this claim, “Satellite images reveal ocean acidification from space” but it may be mostly due to how the press release is written, for example, nowhere is the term pH used in the press release, though […]
Nature Mag: Ocean ‘calamities’ oversold, say researchers – ‘Team calls for more skepticism in marine research’
‘If Climate Change Is Real, Why Do Scientists Need To Fudge Data?’